Each individual continues to grow and increase their gifts within themselves. The spiritual pursuit of each practitioner is demonstrated by their dedication to constantly learn and develop new skills to help touch other’s lives to the best of their abilities. Only those sincerely committed to the Order and the necessary continued learning are allowed to stay within our group.
The specific form of Tantra practiced by those within our Order is a form of Neo-Tantra (non-religious) known as TOA Tantra. Beyond the principles of TOA Tantra and Reiki, our TOA Order is based on the belief that our client’s needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire group is committed to meeting those needs.
TOA Order
The members of this TOA Order work solely for themselves as sole proprietors operating their own personal TOA practices. They book their own sessions themselves. Their phone numbers are provided on this site so you can call or text each one of them to set up sessions. However, they do team together at times when ‘four hands’, ‘six hands’, or couples sessions are requested.
TOA therapists are one of a kind and stay extremely booked with sessions. Although they are sometimes available for a session booked the day of, giving 2-3 days or more notice is very ideal when booking to guarantee your session.
It should be understood up front that our practitioners offer TOA Bodywork- including Reiki Healing, Shiatsu, Body-glides, and Hypnotic Inductions/Guided Meditations to ease stress and to heighten the spiritual connection between the Higher Mind and the Universe.
None of our practitioners at any time claim to be licensed Massage Therapists and as such they do NOT offer Therapeutic Massage- Tantra Bodywork is for relaxation purposes only. Their work remains within the confines of TOA Tantra and Reiki.