What is TOA Tantra?
TOA Tantra is a form of Integrated Tantra, centered upon the mind expanding and spiritually freeing energies of Neo Tantra (Western Tantra) blended with other spiritual elements.
TOA believes that every human being possesses divinity within themselves; each one of us is One with the Universe.
Those who practice TOA are not following religious pursuit but rather spiritual energies that reside in and us at all times.
TOA Tantra focuses on the Higher Mind and reaching Mahamudra.
Mahamudra: A state of blissful harmony with the Universe
The Journey of Master Osholon
Master Osholon was drawn to become involved with Tantra and Reiki many years ago when he developed extreme chronic pain due to a severe sports injury. Doctors could only seem to temporarily assist in pain relief by prescribing painkillers and muscle relaxers. Osholon refused to live a life addicted to prescription drugs; in an effort to find other solutions he tried over 25 different therapists (massage therapists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and various healers). No one had a solution until he met a female Tantra Master in Miami who had dealt with his form of acute chronic pain many times in the past. Her sessions were a true blessing, they really worked and would keep the pain go away for up to 10 days at a time. As time went on, the female Tantra Master moved away and Osholon's pain returned.
Through the years, a new, stronger form of Tantra evolved that combines the higher aspects of all of his many skills - TOA. Many who have experienced Tantra before are stunned by their TOA Tantra sessions, saying that the special form of Tantra is superior to any Tantra, Body Rub, or Sensual experience they have ever had.
When Osholon first arrived in Nevada, he was thinking about teaming with other Tantra practitioners in Vegas, so he asked a lot of questions to those who claim to be “Tantra practitioners”. To his dismay, most in Vegas knew virtually nothing about real Tantra at all (misusing the term, only to mean sexy massage). Their teachings cut corners and cheapened the entire Tantra experience.
Osholon had suffered the tragic loss of his wife & children the prior summer, he felt so drawn to practicing Tantra because of the healing it had on his own mind & body throughout the years. He knew real Tantra could touch lives the way it touched his own. He began diligently searching for the right people, very special good hearted people, to join his TOA group. He and his work became a blessing to those accepted into the TOA group, and their work became a blessing and a great gift to the vast number of lives touched, helped, and healed by them.
“Out of terrible tragedy and great loss can come healing to numbers of people- this is the nature of life." -Osholon
After many failed attempts with other Tantra therapists who didn’t know how to practice true Tantra, Osholon decided that he needed to learn Tantra. Until he began training in India, he had no idea that Tantra had major spiritual aspects that would truly enlighten him. He became so fascinated with Tantra that he traveled the world to learn as much as possible - India, Australia, the U.S. and England. He studied Western Spiritual (non-religious) Tantra; amazed at what Tantra was truly about and able to do on so many levels with mind, body, and spirit. As a result he rose to becoming a Daka (high priest but in a non-religious sense), Tantra Master, and Guru. He also became a Reiki Master and was already a practicing psychologist and hypnotist.